π Make more money and have more fun with Airbnb
πͺ For hosts, co-hosts and investors at ALL levels
π₯ Airbnb community, exclusive training + $2K in perks
Welcome to our latest video where we unveil the ultimate playbook to elevate your Airbnb game and get those views soaring! π Whether you’re a seasoned host or just dipping your toes into the world of short-term rentals, these 10 expert tips are your golden ticket to success.
In this video, we dive deep into the strategies that will not only attract more eyeballs to your Airbnb listing but also translate those views into lucrative bookings, putting more cash in your pocket. From optimizing your headline to curating the perfect cover photo, we leave no stone unturned in helping you stand out in the crowded Airbnb marketplace.
But wait, there’s more! We’ll also share insider secrets on how frequent updates can boost your listing’s visibility, the importance of competitive pricing, and how running strategic Airbnb promotions can give you a competitive edge.
And here’s the kicker β did you know that getting five-star reviews isn’t just about bragging rights? It’s a powerful algorithm booster that can catapult your listing to the top of search results, and we’ll show you how to leverage it to your advantage.
But hey, why stop there? We’ll even spill the beans on how marketing your property externally can further expand your reach and turbocharge your bookings across multiple platforms.
So, if you’re ready to take your Airbnb game to new heights and watch those views skyrocket, this video is your roadmap to success! Don’t miss out β hit play now and let’s unlock the full potential of your short-term rental property together. π‘πΌ
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(00:00) all else being equal more views on Airbnb means more bookings and more money into your pocket so naturally a lot of hosts are interested in strategies they’re going to help them to get more views on Airbnb if you can fight and win the game of playing the almighty search algorithm of Airbnb and climb to the top of the search results and get more views to your listings you’re going to have a lot more money going to your bottom line so in this video I’m going to show you 10 tips that are going to help you to get more views
(00:32) on Airbnb so that you can optimize and dominate the competition and just really bring your shortterm rental property to its full potential on Airbnb to start with let’s Jump Right In and let’s talk about your headline this is going to be the first tip I have is to optimize the heck out of your headline make sure it’s something that makes people want to click through to your listing I see so many people wasting opportunities with their headline by including things like the name of their property that they’ve
(01:07) assigned to it that means absolutely nothing and doesn’t communicate any value to potential guests you really want to highlight some of the core features and benefits of your property that make your property stand out over the competition right in the headline things like certain amenities you have the number of people your property sleeps what things your property is close to how far it is is it walking distance there’s so much that you can pack into that 50 character limit of your headline you want to make sure you
(01:35) include as much as possible so that’s tip number one is to really really dive in and optimize the actual headline for your listing now I want to stop right here before we move on to number two and share that for any of these tips including the headline everything else I’m going to talk about here if you want the stepbystep how to on exactly how to optimize every single element then I’d highly recommend that you check out BNB tribe it’s our brand new community for Airbnb hosts co-host investors property
(02:06) managers whatever you want you can get all the training on all this all of our tools resources and be part of this incredible Community um plus get access to over $2,000 in different deals and parks with different short-term rental uh industry uh vendors for products Services softwares what have you all by just checking out and joining B&B tribe the link is in the description down below we made it super super affordable so that anyone can join and literally make their entire en years’s uh uh membership back with just one night’s
(02:34) booking so I highly recommend that you check it out so that’s tip number one is your listing description the your listing headline rather the next is going to be your cover photo tip number two is to really dial in your cover photo now specifically one thing I really like to do with my cover photo when I’m testing it out and trying new things is I like to go and search for a property to stay at in my area where my property is Loc located uh and use some of the same search parameters that I think my ideal guest would be looking
(03:05) for that way I can pull up all the search results get them right in front of me and I can take what I’m thinking about using for my cover photo and actually put it right there I just kind of overlay it over the screen so I can see how it looks compared to all the competition that other people are going to be looking at now with your cover photo you really want to do two things number one you want to make sure that you highlight some of the biggest best amenities features things about your property the reasons why someone would
(03:33) book so I see a lot of people making the mistake of just putting a picture of their living room and it’s really not that great it’s nothing too special uh and it’s really not going to entice someone to want to click through to your property instead take a picture of the incredible view that you’ve got or all the amenities you have in the backyard or if you’re taking a picture of the living room then make sure it has a really great view or some kind of feature or a game out just make it something that is going to be really
(03:57) attractive and showcase an amenity number two you want to stand out you want your property your listing to actually stick out like a sore thumb on that search results page so if everyone has photos of their living room then take a picture outside take a picture of a different angle a different shot with different lighting different colors do something to make that listing that photo actually stand out from the crowd so you don’t just blend in with all the other properties there optimizing your cover photo is virtually guaranteed to
(04:28) get you more views and more more clicks my third tip for getting more views to your listing Is frequent updates it might sound silly but the more frequently you go in and update your listing even things like just adding some photos taking some photos away trying out a different headline trying out a different listing description editing some stuff the more frequently you go in and make those updates the better you’re going to perform on Airbnb search the more views you’re going to get now it’s not going to make a night
(04:54) and day difference to go and change out the odd little thing here and there but it will give you a boost because it tells Airbnb search algorithm that you’re active with your listing that everything’s up to date and your property is more bookable for guests so it is going to help you to perform better in the search results it’s not a coincidence that a lot of you have probably had this experience of going in and changing some things tweaking some stuff on your listing and then suddenly getting a bunch of inquiries and a bunch
(05:17) of bookings right after that this is because that’s actually something that airbnb’s search algorithm optimizes for so you want to be going in there and doing it actively now my fourth tip is going to be pricing make sure that you’re price pricing is competitive you want to make sure that you’re in line with where you should be relative to the competition this really involves having a got whole other videos and all kinds of extensive training on how to optimize your pricing but doing that is not just
(05:43) going to optimize your Revenue because you’re not leaving money on the table it’s also going to actually make sure that your listing performs better in search because if people are looking for properties and applying certain search parameters they might be eliminating your property from their search results therefore getting you fewer views just because you’re priced your property a little too high or if Airbnb thinks that your property is not very bookable because it’s priced so high then you’re
(06:07) going to get fewer views again so you want to be careful with this you want to make sure that you’re not pricing too low and leaving money on the table but if you price too high then you can also leave a lot of views on the table and you can really hurt your search performance so dialing in your pricing and dialing in the pricing of your cleaning fees of everything can be really really helpful for getting more views to your listing are you a brand new or experienced Airbnb host co-host or investor who wants to host as
(06:36) successfully as profitably and with as much fun as possible if so then I would love to invite you to check out BNB tribe Linked In the description down below this video it’s our exclusive Community for Airbnb hosts investors and co-hosts from all over the world where I share some of my best trainings that go into detail on every single aspect of Airbnb hosting for A to Z we’ve got Advanced Training playbooks that will help you to use more advanced strategies to take things to the next level and make more money and have more fun
(07:08) hosting co-hosting or investing on Airbnb you’re also going to get access to an incredible community and over $2500 worth of deals perks discounts bonuses that I’ve negotiated with other vendors in the short-term rental industry so if you want access to all of that and a whole bunch more check out the link in the description down below for B&B tribe and I would love to to see you on the inside now right in line with that is my fifth tip for getting more views to your listing and this is probably one of the most effective
(07:38) things you can do to get more views to your listing once you’ve got the first four sorted out is going to be running what we call Airbnb promotions now a promotion on Airbnb is something that a lot of you might be familiar with and some of you guys I might be telling you about this for the first time in which case I’m very excited to do so airb promotions allow you to Discount your pricing for certain dates they decide which dates you’re going to be allowed to do this for or not and depending on
(08:04) the percentage that you allow to Discount off of your nightly rate then more perks you’re going to get that are going to boost up your views so for starters you’ll get something like a slash through discount align item on your pricing and then you might get a special call out on your listing page if you discount a little bit more have you discount enough you can actually get featured in airbnb’s emails out to guests who are specifically looking for properties to stay at in that area so it can be a really really helpful way to
(08:29) get addition views typically I’ll see anywhere from 1 to 500 additional views on one of my listings when I run a promotion now you want to apply these strategically so that you’re not dropping your nightly rage through the floor again we’ve got additional training on exactly how to leverage these the best possible way but promotions can be a really really great way to get more views to your listing no doubt about that next on my list coming in at number six is going to be to optimize for five star reviews now I
(08:57) know a lot of you guys are probably already doing this kind of a given that you want to get five star reviews on Airbnb but did you know that the more five star reviews that you get the more views you actually get it’s not just that people are going to be seeing those five star reviews and more likely to book it actually means that you’re going to get promoted higher in the search results especially for specific group Types on Airbnb this is a relatively new function to their algorithm and the way that it works is that if a group of
(09:23) let’s say eight people stays at your property and they have a really great time and leave you a f-star review now when groups are looking for when someone’s looking for a place to stay for a group of eight your property is going to show up more high in the search results so it can be really really helpful to improve your search ranking just getting those five star views now obviously there’s all kinds of stuff that goes into getting five star views but probably the lowest hang fruit that I see so many people missing out on is
(09:49) literally just asking for it once you’ve done a really great job of going above and beyond and hosting these people really really effectively now you just want to ask for it just have something in your autom messaging that goes out prompting people to leave a f star riew if they feel they had a really great stay by doing this you can dramatically increase the number of five-star views that you get on your listing which is going to have you just performing way better overall it’s going to really help
(10:13) you to get more views now next on the list coming in at number seven is going to be to increase your conversion rate now I’m not going to dive into too much detail about exactly how to increase your conversion rate because we cover that in other videos it’s a whole other topic there’s lots of things you can do whether it’s increasing your uh your conversion rates by uh improving your photos improving all the photos Beyond just the cover photo adding more captions improving your listing descriptions what have you these are all
(10:38) really great ways to increase your conversion rate but the side benefit of doing it is it’s also going to increase the number of views you get because Airbnb determines which properties to show high up in the search results by which properties make it more money make Airbnb more money and Airbnb makes money when properties actually get booked so if you increase your conversion rate that’s going to have a disproportionate impact on the number of people that actually see your listing the number of views that you get so taking the time to
(11:03) optimize everything else down the road is also going to be really really helpful now along the lines of that this is going to help with conversion rate as well as your listing uh view rate is going to be optimizing all of your amenity selections on Airbnb that’s my eighth tip is make sure you go through the back end of Airbnb the hosting dashboard and select every single amenity that you’ve got for your property everything in there you want to make sure that you’ve got it checked off if you’ve got it or if you don’t make
(11:33) sure you specify that but as many of those boxes you can check as possible you want to check off because number one that’s going to be a more complete listing that’s just going to get more views but number two if people are searching for properties that have a hot tub and you mention that you have a hot tub you’ve got it in the photos but you just don’t have that box checked on Airbnb then when they filter out to find only properties with hot tub yours isn’t going to show up so it’s really really
(11:58) important that you check off all those boxes so that people that are searching can actually find your property you’re going to show up more get more views that way now my next tip my ninth tip is going to be to Market your property Market your Airbnb listing externally now you may or may not want to actually do this depending on if you have your own direct booking platform set up if you do you might want to drive more of your traffic from your own marketing efforts to that direct booking website but it can be a really really great way
(12:26) to get additional views on your Airbnb listing is just to market EXP externally and drive people straight to it so one of my favorite strategies for this is going to be email marketing collecting the email addresses of other guests that stay with you and then remarketing your property to them down the road you can also do things like social media marketing where you post on Instagram all about your property or you go and post it up on things like Facebook Marketplace can even be effective sometimes at getting more views to your
(12:50) property so this can be a really great way to get more views flooding into your property through your own efforts now my 10th and final tip for getting more views to your short-term rental property on Airbnb is actually not even on Airbnb now if you’ve done all the other nine things that I mentioned in this video and you’ve really maximized them you really nailed them then you’ve probably maxed out the number of views that you can realistically expect to get on Airbnb and so naturally what you want to
(13:17) do to keep getting more views for your property is to expand to multiple platforms if you’ve done all this stuff really well then now you can go and duplicate it over on another platform like vbo or book .c and you can essentially just double the amount of exposure you get for your property by being on another platform now with other platforms you might not actually double the amount of views or bookings you get because obviously some platforms have more or less traffic than other others but you might actually be really
(13:46) surprised at how much traffic you can generate on these other platforms and how many bookings you can generate on these other platforms if you really do have things dialed in so that’s my 10th and final tip is to actually expand multiplatform but I tried to address these points in in as much of a chronological order order of importance as I possibly could so I certainly wouldn’t recommend doing that and listing multi Channel first before you’ve gone and optimized all the other elements here that we touched on in this
(14:13) video so again if you want to learn more about how you can work more closely on all this stuff get step-by-step guidance be a part of an incredible Community I highly recommend that you check out B&B tribe Linked In the description down below if you liked this video and got value from it make sure you hit the like button down below to show me that you love it show you actually enjoy these types of videos if you’re new to the channel here and you have not yet subscribed make sure you subscribe as well we post two new videos every single
(14:37) week here on the channel so if you want to stay up to date with those get all kinds of really great Airbnb and short ter rental hosting tips guidance uh strategies everything you could ever need then make sure you hit that subscribe button hit the notification Bell as well if you want to be notified when we release new videos and then last but not least let me know any comments questions thoughts anything you want to share with me in the comment section down below I hope you really enjoyed this video I’ve enjoyed making it I hope
(15:00) this has been helpful for you to and valuable to you um so with all that said thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next [Music] one