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Top tips on how to furnish an Airbnb

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Staring at an empty room wondering what to put in it is painful. Never taking any action because the thought of future challenges is even worse. If you fear the design part of a new Airbnb, watch this video and you’ll feel a lot better about the process.


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It can be painful looking at a blank Airbnb wondering what you should fill it with.

Do I spend $1000 on a couch? What amenities do I buy? Do I bother with décor at first?

And how do I keep track of it all?

In today’s video, first, we’ll talk about furniture.

I share the three things you need to consider when buying furniture for your Airbnb.

I also give three places you can look to find everything you need.

Next, we talk about décor. Should you hire an interior designer or not?

We talk about shopping local for things, and when it’s appropriate.

Then we talk about amenities. I give a great idea for an amenity I guarantee you wouldn’t think to provide. (Then I share why your first thought of “no” is wrong!)

I walk through the thought process behind hosting families. We don’t want to just point them to a microwave, right?

And finally we talk about how to keep track of all of this. If you don’t have an example for it, I share a tip on how to create your own list first.

Not just keeping track of it, but storing it as well. How do you store your extras for your Airbnb? 

What about if you have multiple properties, when does a closet stop making sense to use?

I answer all these questions and more in today’s video.


What's up guys? It's James here. And in today's video, we're going to talk about furnishing Airbnb properties. I'm going to talk about both the design element, how to furnish them, you know how to think about when you're furnishing your property? And then also the practical? How do you make sure that you don't miss anything? How do you keep track of it all, and by all these different things, because in reality, if you're furnishing a property for short term rental, you're doing more than just getting some basic, you know, big ticket items, you're getting everything right down to the forks and knives, so it's important to stay organized.
I'm going to talk about all that in this video. Now, before we jump into that, I do want to remind you, there's links in the description down below. So if you are interested in investing in properties for short term rental, you want to start buying short term rental properties, actually owning them, and building massive cash flow and long term wealth through doing that, then I highly recommend you check out the free training link down below, where we're going to talk through our main three pillars for how to do that successfully, and how to have great success investing in short term rental properties. If you're interested in more so in managing properties, and you want to build a business with substantial monthly cash flow, without having to invest into things like buying a property, then I highly recommend you check out our free training that's also linked in the description for how to earn a full time income, managing other people's properties on Airbnb. So wherever you are in your process, I highly recommend you check out one of those links that will help you to get started and give you some free tools, both those trains are going to leave you some free tools to actually help you get started. So with that being said, let's jump right into it. And let's start with the more design focused elements of furnishing an Airbnb property. How do you want to think about it? Well, it really does depend on the type of property that you have. But for this video, I'm really going to focus on more average type properties as opposed to very high end properties, the majority of people are going to buy properties that are more catered toward an average person not going to be buying super high end luxury properties. So for the sake of that, let's keep it focused there. Now for those types of properties, you're going to want to buy furniture that is really nice and really functional, but also very durable. And so a really good option for this is something like Ikea or structure. Now, these types of furniture providers are really great, because their furniture is affordable, it's generally very functional things you buy from Ikea are just very affordable, very functional, and they're quite durable. So they're going to last a relatively long time, and the replacement costs on them is going to be relatively low. That being said, if you do go the route of just furnishing your place with IKEA, it's going to look like an Ikea showroom. So for that reason, I recommend mixing in some design elements from Amazon just for simplicity. Because Amazon offers a wide variety of selections, you can get all kinds of different pieces, you'll want to spend a bit of money on just deathcore just design elements that are going to make the property look nice. If you don't have an eye for design that I highly recommend that you work with an interior designer and ideally one that specifically works with and has experience working with Airbnb short term rental properties, because they are quite a bit different from a property that someone's going to live in for years and years. So with that in mind, you're going to want to mainly shop at IKEA, or buy secondhand so that you can again get that good mix of affordability and durability and buy a lot of those big ticket items. In a way, we're just going to save cost because ultimately, what you want to be thinking about your mindset when you're furnishing the place is how can I provide value to my guests. Now, frankly, your guests aren't going to care. If you spend 1000 or $2,000 on a couch, it's not going to lead to better guest reviews, it's not going to lead to more bookings, it's not going to lead to a higher nightly rate. So the return you get on that investment of spending an extra $1,000 On a slightly nicer couch is just not really going to be there. So it doesn't really make sense. Whereas in your own home, you might want to splurge and buy something nicer. Because you know, you're going to be sitting on that thing every single day, your guests are going to be sitting there for a couple of days. So it's really not going to matter what it looks like, as long as it's comfortable, and it's functional. And then the big thing, again, that I always keep mentioning is durability, because you want to make sure that even if it's not taken super good care of which it's not like your guests are gonna be coming in and trashing the place. But they're probably not going to take care of it quite as nicely as you would as if it were in your own home. So you want to get something that's durable. And then again, affordability is a really big piece there because you want to make sure that if it does end up getting damaged or stained or whatever, that is not going to break the bank to go and have to replace it. Again, if you go and buy a five or an $8,000 couch, that's gonna sting a lot more than if you go to IKEA and buy a $700 couch. So those are the things where I really recommend trying to save your money and just kind of mix that mix in the functionality and durability as much as possible. And then for a lot more of those design elements. I do recommend going outside of IKEA just so that you can get a place that actually looks really nice, has some personal touches. You can even shop a local for a few kind of really nice pieces. So I like to really highlight each property with a few design pieces that are from local artists. If I can get my hands on something like that, that's a really nice advantage. And then also just for a furnishing standpoint from practically speaking you want to make sure that you have Have all of the amenities that guests are going to need. One of the mistakes I see host making all the time is that they'll just furnish the place with the bare necessities. So you've got a bed with maybe one night table instead of two, you don't have lamps on the night tables, which is super inconvenient, because you can't read in bed, you can't have lights on without getting up and then going and turning them off. That's just really impractical. So you want to make sure you put some thought into that. Also, you know, leaving phone chargers around, and a lot of people worry about, Oh, are those going to get taken? Who cares? No, buy them from Amazon, spend a couple dollars on a big pack of them. And then just doesn't really matter if someone takes them. It's just a cost of doing business. And it'll equate to maybe $20 over the course of a year. So it's just not a big deal. So really put some time into thinking about what are those convenience items that guests are going to really like to have, if you have a kitchen, or a property that caters to families, then you want to make sure your kitchen is stocked with everything a family is going to need to do a bit of additional heat or additional cooking, as opposed to just being able to heat up food in the microwave. So again, just think about what your guest is going to want. Think about what things are gonna be valuable to them
and add those things as furniture as amenities as appliances. Now, practically speaking, you know, how do you actually keep track of this because if you think about it, there's hundreds of items that actually go into an Airbnb or short term rental property, everything from the you know, the large ticket furniture, items, to the bedding, linens, to the decor to all the appliances, all the extra little things like you know, phone chargers, cups, cupholders, whatever, whatever else, other little thing you can think of it's going to go into the property, there's a whole bunch of stuff. And so I really recommend having a detailed list or spreadsheet, there's actually a spreadsheet that we use for every single property that we furnish, that outlines every single bedroom and outlines each item line by line that we're going to be putting into that room. And so you'll want to break it down, chunk it down room by room. Again, if you want to learn more about how you can get access to tools like that spreadsheet that we use for tracking absolutely everything that's already detailed with all the items that are needed for a bedroom, all the items that are needed for a bathroom, all that sort of stuff, then the link in the description down below for that free training will allow you to learn more about how you can get access to those types of tools as well. But really just take the time. And honestly one of the best ways to build that kind of a list, if you want to build it instead of working with us and us Yars is just go through your own home that you've been living in for a while and just take an inventory of every single item in that room take some time, right, but you have to go through and think about every single item that's in that room, add each one of them to a list, and then go from there. So you really want to make sure that you're organized about this. And if you are ordering you want again, track it on a spreadsheet or something so that you can keep track of what you do have what you don't have, make sure you buy extras of things like linens that are going to need replacement, so that if you end up having to replace, or I should say when you end up having to replace your linens, let's say you already have them on hand ready to go and don't have to worry about ordering different linens that maybe you're going to be your old ones are out of stock, whatever it might be. So having extras on hand is another big one. And I recommend just as a side tip here to have a closet in the property that is locked that has all of your sundries. So all of your replaceable things like replenishable, things like toilet paper or paper towel, dish soap, hand soap, body wash, all that sort of stuff just right in the property, it makes it really easy for the cleaners to go and access everything. And then you can also have some replacement linens things like that. Once you scale larger, you can have a centralized kind of warehouse place or a storage locker where you put all this stuff. But the easiest solution honestly, is just to have it in a locked closet at the property if you can swing that don't. That's really all the tips I have around furnishing, we go into a lot more detail and all the specifics and have a whole bunch of different tools that we have. And we actually have an interior designer who we've been we've trained to specifically work with short term rental properties and work with our system. So if you want to learn more about how you can access that and leverage that for your own short term rental investing, I do highly recommend you check out the link in the description down below. And that'll give you access to that free training some different tools and resources again, completely free and it'll give you the opportunity to talk to us about working with us directly if you are interested in having me and my business and investing partner Riley actually help you to build your short term rental investing portfolio. Again, also in the description down below. There's a link to a free training if you want to earn a full time income managing other people's properties on Airbnb, depending on which direction is the best fit for you. All that being said, I hope you liked this video, hope you got value from it. If you did hit that like button, give me a thumbs up on the video. It really helps me as I'm growing this channel to reach more people and to help more people to learn about short term rentals. So if you could take a second to hit that like button, I would really really appreciate it. And then also make sure you subscribe to the channel if you want to stay up to date with the two new videos we post every single week. I know a lot of people like myself watch videos on YouTube regularly for a certain person and then they don't actually subscribe. Oftentimes I find I just I just forget to subscribe and then six months into the watching the person I finally go wow why am I not subscribed to that person? So that's you right now. You are watching this channel and you want to be subscribed. Make sure you don't forget and actually hit that subscribe button. All that being said, thank you very much for listening. I hope you got value from this. Have a great rest your day and I'll see you in the next video..


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