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3 Things you NEED to do to GET BOOKED in 2021 (Airbnb)

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How can you make sure your property gets consistently booked in 2020 and 2021? Find out in this video!


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Today, I want to talk about 3 things you absolutely must do to get your properties booked on Airbnb in the rest of 2020 and into 2021. These three things are going to be crucial to succeed over the next 12 months on Airbnb. If you’re a host on Airbnb, or if you’re a property manager and are interested in managing other people’s properties on Airbnb, these tips are going to show you how to maximize your bookings. The most important thing you need to do in order to get bookings in the next year comes down to one word: flexibility. I’ll give you an example. If I’m looking to book some travel in the upcoming months, the number one thing I’m looking for is that everything is fully refundable. Because at the end of the day, if my flight gets canceled, or the government says I’m not allowed to travel anymore, I need to make sure that the money I’m spending on this vacation isn’t going to waste. 

Normally, we’ve seen from our testing that in order to optimize your returns, you need to have a strict cancellation policy. However, with this new environment we are in right now, the people that are looking at booking flexible stays aren’t necessarily wishy washy, they’re people who have every intention of taking that trip, but they can’t risk spending all that money on the chance of circumstances beyond their control causing them to cancel the trip. So you need to make sure that you’re as flexible as possible with your cancellation policy to get as many bookings as possible. With flexibility, there’s a right way to do it. That doesn’t mean to have fully flexible bookings and never check in with your guests. You’re going to want to check in with them every couple of weeks, depending on how far out the booking is, to make sure things are good and they are still planning on taking their vacation. 

The second tip is that it’s really important to optimize your listing for longer term stays, making sure it’s affordable for someone who might be looking to stay long term – 3 to 4 weeks or longer. So offering a long term stay discount is a great way to smooth out your bookings, making sure you have a seamless calendar with a lot of bookings and consistent revenue. This is especially important with the winter months coming, and having some down season coming up.

The third crucial step is to optimize your listing for local domestic travel. Figure out why people will be traveling in your area – are you in a spot perfect for a city getaway? Are there amenities that those types of guests would want to have? Can you highlight how close you are to nature, those sorts of things? So it’s important to make your property more desirable in light of what someone would be looking for in a property during this situation. One example of this is adding some relatively easy and inexpensive gym equipment, as there’s lots of people who aren’t really able to go to the gym and are interested in a place to work out. 

If you’re interested in getting in on a huge opportunity that’s available on Airbnb right now, then check out the link with some free training that walks through every step of the process on how to build this business in a way that’s going to be sustainable long term.


What's up guys, it's James here and in today's video, I want to talk to you about three things that you absolutely must do if you want to get your properties booked on Airbnb, and the rest of 2020 and into 2021. If you want to absolutely kill it over the next 12 months on Airbnb, there are three things that are going to be absolutely crucial.

So if you are a host yourself on Airbnb, meaning you own a property you're hosting on Airbnb, then stay tuned, this video is going to show you exactly how you can maximize your bookings over the next 12 months. If you are a property manager, or you want to become one and you're interested in managing other people's properties on Airbnb, these three tips that I'm about to share with you are going to be are going to allow you to add massive value to your clients and get them additional bookings on their properties.

So that you can absolutely dominate the competition, get tons of properties under management really quickly and add a substantial amount of value to every property owner that you work with to make it a real Win Win and have a great long term relationship with them. So again, this is going to be really valuable video for anyone interested in managing properties on Airbnb so that you can learn how to get bookings consistently over the next 12 months.

So that further ado, the first thing that you absolutely need to do if you want to get bookings over the next 12 months is smash the like button down below, please take a quick second to just click that like button. In all seriousness, I would really appreciate if you would just click the like button there, it helps me out tremendously with YouTube's algorithm. So you take a second to do that. And please just do that. Now. I'll wait.

And the real tip number one that you need to do in order to get bookings in the next 12 months is flexibility comes down to one word over the next 12 months, it's going to be flexibility. I'll give you an example. If I as someone who is traveling over the next couple months here, I'm booking some travel. And the number one thing that I'm looking for above and beyond all else is that every single thing I booked, I need to make sure that it's fully refundable. Because at the end of the day, if a flight gets canceled, a car rental gets canceled. Or if the government says hey, you're not allowed to travel anymore, I need to make sure that the money I'm spending on this vacation isn't going to go completely to waste.

Now, normally, I would I would say then we've shown this from testing in the past that in order to optimize your returns, you need to be more strict with your cancellation policy. However, with the totally new environment that we're in right now, the people that are booking flexible stays are not the wishy washy people that they normally are. There's people that have every intention of taking that holiday and really, really want to like myself, but who just can't risk spending thousands of dollars on a trip and not having that money be refundable if forces and circumstances outside of their control caused them to need to cancel that trip.

So flexibility is number one, you need to make sure that you're as flexible as possible with your cancellation policies, that's going to really help you to get more bookings. Now with that, there's a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. The wrong way to do it is to just set it as flexible as possible and never check in with your guests. You want to check in with your guests frequently as frequently as every couple of weeks depending on how far out into the future they're booking. But you really want to make sure that if they know they're going to be canceling the state that they're not delaying doing that they're not just procrastinating knowing that Oh, okay, I can go and cancel this last minute.

And they're going to wait until the last minute to do so if they know a couple weeks out or a month out from their booking date that they're not going to be able to travel and they're not going to be able to go and stay at your place, then you want to just touch base with them to ask them get an update from them, Hey, are you still planning on traveling really looking forward to having you and if they're not able to travel, have them cancel that trip right away so that you can have those dates opened up for other guests who may potentially stay at your place. So that's step number one.

Tip number two, in addition to flexibility, it's really, really important that you optimize your listing for longer term stays, you want to make sure that your listing is affordable for someone who might be looking to stay for a longer term of anywhere from three or four weeks and beyond that. So making it affordable by giving some longer term stay discount is going to really smooth out your bookings. And make sure that you have a nice seamless calendar with a lot of bookings and consistent revenue.

Because we really want to treat this especially as we go into the winter months and a lot of parts of the world right now, where we're going to have some down season coming up. You want to make sure that you optimize for consistently not for squeezing every single possible dollar out because that's just going to lead to a lot more opportunity for you to actually lose money. So optimizing for long term stays by offering long term state discounts and making your property more desirable for people who maybe want to stay longer term is a really great next step.

The third step that's absolutely important is to optimize your listing for local domestic travel. figure out why people will be adding will be traveling domestically in your area is you Are you you know, a couple hours outside of the city center and you're in a location that is a great getaway from the city well optimized for that before you might have been better off optimized for people that were coming and traveling internationally. But right now the majority of all travel is going to be domestic and honestly, just within a couple hundred miles of people's homes.

So ask yourself, why would someone from a couple hundred miles away want to come here and stay at my property? And what are they going to want to see when they go and check out my listing? Are there certain amenities they want to have? Are there certain things that they'd want to really see highlighted, such as how close I am to nature, or the amount of space or the amount of green space outside, those sorts of things are more important than ever right now.

So make sure you're optimizing for that really, really heavily. A fourth bonus tip that I highly recommend you think about is ways that you can make your property more desirable to someone in light of the current situation right now, for example, gyms are closed. And so if you can have a space in your property to add a little gym setup, with just a couple of weights, you can get some adjustable dumbbells and maybe a little bench, you can do it for very, very cheap and spend maybe 100 or $200. To then add an amenity that's gonna be really valuable to people that are traveling to your place.

Because a lot of people like myself who regularly go to the gym, you want to be able to go somewhere and workout. And so if you can do that, then that's a bonus, especially right now, when you can't access gyms as easily as normal, because a lot of places have them completely closed down. If you're close to restaurants that are actually open, or if you have some little amenities that you can add on like some nice fancy olive oils to give some people a nice restaurant experience where they can go and get some bread and get their bread.

Anything you can think of trying to think outside the box, those little things that we all miss being in the quarantine right now, we all miss from our normal day to day lives. If you can find a way to incorporate those into your listing, that can be a really, really great advantage, it's going to set your listing apart from the competition. So I hope this video has been really, really valuable to you. If you do want to learn more about how to manage other people's properties on Airbnb and earn a full time income doing it, then surprisingly, this year has been absolutely incredible.

For us, it's been one of our best years to date, and 2021 is going to present a lot of additional opportunity. So you want to get in on that and get started right now, when a lot of people are fearful and we've got this huge opportunity bubbling to the surface, then just click the link down below to check out the free training I put together that walks through every single step of the process for how to build this business and build it in a way that's adding real value to your clients build it in a way that's going to be sustainable long term, really always focused on for the beginning, building this business in a way where we're building it sustainably and are building it in a way that adds real value to your clients long term.

That's the only way to have a business that's going to last you 510 years into the future and actually be able to generate income and give you freedom you know where you can actually set up systems to automate the processes and have it work for you for years in the future. So if you want to do that and you want to have a business that gives you security and financial stability and your monthly income every month then just check out the training down below. I'll link to in the district in the description so you can check that out. It's completely free to join, highly recommend checking that out.

As always, if you liked the video, please do give it a thumbs up like I said before, it helps me out tremendously with YouTube's algorithm so you take a quick second and just a half a second even just click that like button out appreciate it greatly. If you're new to the channel here then please consider subscribing. We post two new videos every single week and if you subscribe to the channel that you can stay up to date with all those and learn all the tips that we share about managing properties and managing your own property on Airbnb. Until next time. I will see you in the next video.


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