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There’s a yurt in Stanley, Virginia that’s not massive but is making a massive $283,800! 

Here’s what we’re unpacking in the video:

In the video I share:

> What makes the headline so great: “Shenandoah Yurt: Hot Tub~Wood Stove~WiFi~EVcharger” 

> What I nitpick about the photos

> Why they are nailing their niche

> A specific example of exactly how your captions should be

> A special photo technique you can use that takes everything up a notch

> What they can fix about their description

Watch the full video to get all the details on what makes this yurt in Stanley, Virginia, a top earner and how you can apply these insights to your Airbnb properties.

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(00:00) what’s up guys in today’s video we’re going to be diving into one of the most successful listings on Airbnb in all of the United States and I’ve specifically chosen a unique property and a property that accommodates less than 10 people this property only accommodates a maximum of eight people so it’s pretty obvious pretty irrefutable that this property isn’t just performing well because it’s a huge property that can command huge High nightly rates and you also know this way that it’s a property
(00:32) that truly is beating out a large amount of competition because at only being able to accommodate eight people it really does have to beat out a lot of other competition in the market it’s not like a huge 16 bedroom place where there’s just nowhere else to people for people to stay where you’ll often see that property owners host can get away with having a less than optimal listing in a lot of different ways and still perform really really well this is a unique property it’s a YT um over in Stanley and it’s performing at about
(01:03) just shy of of $300,000 us per year as a short-term rental property so let’s jump into it and let’s take a look at what it is about this property that makes it perform so well so right off the bat you can see they did actually a really really good job of the headline this has been something that I’ve seen as a theme amongst uh really really High performing listings is that those bigger ones they tend to get away with like not optimizing their headline not optimizing their listing description their photos
(01:38) things like that whereas these guys they highlight right off the bat that it is a yurt they highlight the hot tub the wood stove the Wi-Fi and the EV charger so they’re basically just Jam packing the value of all the main amenities that they know attract people to this property they’re putting it right in their headline so it’s the first thing you see uh the cover photo is also a really really great cover photo it’s uh sure to cont contrast with other properties in the area because it’s taken at night time it clearly shows the
(02:05) YT uh it does a really good job of showcasing the property here so I think it just is a really really good cover photo overall um it’s well shot everything lines up there really good you can see as well as we see as a common theme that is just an irrefutable must have to perform really well on Airbnb is that they actually have really good reviews meaning they’re actually doing a really great job hosting you can see these guys have a 4.
(02:28) 95 star average rating and they’re super for host so you can tell they’re doing a really good job which ultimately is something that’s an absolute necessity if you want to perform really well um and keep on getting guests coming to you and keep on getting promoted higher in the search results on Airbnb so let’s jump in and look at their photos first now for any of you who who have watched other videos of mine you’ll probably know that uh using airbnb’s photo tour is not something I generally recommend because
(02:53) it it uh prevents you from being able to choose the specific layout of how you want your photos organized not going to fault these guys for using it it’s just not what I would recommend as a best practice um so you can see they’ve got this really cool stunning photo of inside the Y it’s obviously a YT like no other like you can see here with how big it is how cool it is inside and they have a nice caption there I like to see that um so let’s keep going through the photos here you can see they’ve got at
(03:19) least something pulled up on the TV here so it’s not just a big black spot on the wall which is nice I would personally put up something more like the Netflix logo or something to show that it is a smart TV if it is one uh but you can see they’ve got in the caption 75 in TV with PlayStation 5 four controllers and sofa for eight so you can see they’re giving you all this detail about the property they’re answering a bunch of questions you would have does it come with a PlayStation is how much seating is there
(03:44) in the living room on the couch that kind of stuff is all being answered right here in the photo description without me needing to take the time to go and read the actual listing description so that is super super well done now we’re going to jump over to the to the wood stove which according to their their headline I’m guessing is going to be a an amenity that people really like cuz they’re highlighting it there in the in the main headline of the property again even when it’s not super necessary they’re putting captions
(04:10) answering those questions I really like seeing that um because there’s no reason not to uh you can see extendable dining table pin map and rocking chairs I would love to see here uh how many people are actually able to sit comfortably at the dining table um just saying that it’s that it accommodates eight would be really helpful I think I really like that they’ve done a good job actually staging this property with the dining table all set with dining places um so that’s really good you’ve got the baby
(04:37) changing table and we also have a high chair I hope the high chair is photographed I would want to see that but again love seeing it in the photos there then we’ve got this another property another another photo from up at the top of the stairs so what’s really cool about that is that now you get to understand the transition we’re making so I really like these transitional shots in your photos so that you’re kind of guiding people on a virtual tour and not just jumping from one room over to the next uh can be kind
(05:03) of hard to keep track of and you don’t really get a good feel for the actual layout of the property when photos are done that way so I really like this as a nice transitional shot now we’re upstairs and they they just forgot to uh to update the caption on this photo they’ve just got like the image name um so obviously I’m sure that that’s just a mistake they would have updated that to show hey there’s a pool table something in the caption about that uh View From The Loft amazing I love this I I really
(05:27) really love that they’ve got a photo show a bunch of really cool amenities that they have like the games the candy canes the books they’re showcasing all of that um and they’re actually just naming them off which ones they have so it just again just tells me wow I’m going to be able to come here stay have a really great time there’s going to be stuff to do I really love that um Kings siiz floor sofa at The Loft so I’m a little unclear if this is a a sofa bed so I hope in the next photo they’re
(05:56) going to show it somewhere here with it pulled out which it does doesn’t look like they do KingSize floor sofa at the loft is a is a somewhat confusing caption I don’t really know what that means or if this folds down to a bed I kind of assume that it does but I would definitely want to see a photo of it actually folded down into a bed made up as a bed and ideally have it as the next photo so it’s just very obvious that that is the exact same you know they we’re talking the exact same space exact
(06:24) same everything so so far I mean also just the the photos themselves are fantastic they’re definitely high quality photos really well lit they’re getting good angles um they’re showcasing the right things so there’s some small stuff but nothing huge nothing major so the living room sofa transforms into two half separate beds that’s kind of cool again I would have probably put that right after the the first photo of the living room just so you can see and it’s just super obvious that it is the exact same space great
(06:52) they’ve got a nice photo here of the kitchen with you know the the common amenities just listed out down below there in the description now one thing I want to highlight as well that I really like about the photos here is I’ve talked about it in some other uh in some other videos where I’ve talked about the kind of the misses on photography this one they’re hitting it they’re using a style of Photography that’s often referred to as flambient photography which I personally really love
(07:17) especially for a property like this one where the setting the surrounding is very beautiful you’re in nature um and the views out the windows are going to be really really nice it’s nice that they have good proper lighting inside but that you can also see out the windows and see what’s you know outside what your view is going to look like and it’s not just all blown out white light like you see in a lot of photos where they don’t use this style of Photography so that’s a really big plus I just think
(07:43) it makes the photos like really really pop and makes them look a lot better uh makes the whole space look a lot better so yeah I really like this again really like that they have the captions down below that tell you everything they’re even leaving you farm fresh eggs I would take a photo of that specifically like a close-up photo so so I think one thing they could do more of is some close-up photos in the kitchen to just show some of the amenities so that I don’t even have to read the description to learn
(08:08) about these things because having some nice like farm fresh eggs that’s an awesome little bonus that just kind of shows me as well that the host really cares and so having a photo so that that’s not just like hidden as like the tail end of a caption would I think be really beneficial as well now we jump ahead here again they’re doing some really great mood setting shots I probably would have organized this a little bit differently so it’s kind of a more natural tour through the uh through the property as opposed to we’re kind of
(08:32) jumping from one space to the other back to the other space so I do really really like these mood setting shots that help me to envision myself in the space I just might have ordered them a little bit differently organized things a bit differently but yeah I mean really nice photo of the bedroom here you can see they’ve got all the amenu you’re going to need they’re showing the bedroom going over to another bedroom I really like that showing the bathroom I mean this is all really really well done guys
(08:57) just want to take a quick break here to say that for those of you watching who want to build cash flow and long-term wealth by purchasing airbnbs and short-term rental properties there’s a link in the description right down below for a free training that’ll walk you through my exact strategy for investing successfully in airbnbs now if you’re not ready to actually buy properties and you want to get started managing other people’s properties on Airbnb the same way I got started and build a full-time
(09:25) income managing other people’s properties there’s actually another free training link l in the description down below as well that’ll be a really great fit for you so whether you want to invest in short-term rental properties and actually build amazing cash flow and long-term wealth by acquiring the assets buying the properties themselves or you’re looking to earn a full-time income managing other people’s properties on Airbnb we’ve got some awesome trainings that are linked in the description down below that’ll
(09:50) definitely help you out when you sign up for the trainings we’re also going to send you a few other tools and resources completely for free just to help you get started again the links to sign up are in the description down below and both trainings and all the tools are completely free so make sure to register for the trainings links in the description down below this photo I think putting something up on the computer screens so that they’re not just reflecting back the background I think would just make
(10:16) it look better but again like a nice dedicated workspace uh with apple monitors and a comfortable crying chair I love that um that’s also just like a really really great amenity to have because it’s going to attract people that want to potentially do some remote work from there it’s definitely a popular amenity so I think it’s really great to have that now we’re going outside which again if they hadn’t designated which photos were of which area and they could actually choose the order of the photos I probably probably
(10:42) would have chosen to have this photo further up towards the front that cover photo so I can just again really see that um some of these ones like the archery shot or I noticed as well there is a hot tub outside on the deck and I haven’t even seen that I’m already on Photo 30 and I haven’t seen that and that’s just because again they chose to to opt for airbnbs kind of photo tour feature which again I just don’t like because you don’t want guest getting to photo number 30 of your 46 photos and
(11:08) still not knowing that you have a hot tub which is a really desirable amenity so again I do love that they added this amenity of archery they’ve got a really great photo they’ve got a really great U photo of the the fire pit area it says with a cornhole game but I don’t actually see that in the photo so I hope to see that in the photo I would have liked to see this with like a shoveled pathway over to the fire pit so that I can actually realistically use it in the winter um unless they just don’t want
(11:33) people using in the winter in which case that’s kind of a different story but again they kind of missed out on actually photographing the Cornhole game so there’s some small misses but you can see like I’m kind of nitpicking overall the photos are fantastic they’re really well done photos they’re capturing 90% of the shots that I think they should be getting the right angles the order of them could be a bit better but honestly it’s very good um the lighting is all great the style of photography rhy I
(11:59) really like so they’re they’re doing a very very good job overall of this so here’s the hot tub shot oh again I would love to see a more close-up shot of this hot tub and and also just like a hot tub shot where you can see the view just like help people Envision themselves in the space cuz it’s just it really doesn’t do it justice with this photo same thing with the barbecue I’d want to highlight that more and then the EV charger I was waiting for that cuz I saw that in the listing headline and I
(12:24) wanted to see a photo of it um so I’d love to see that again great amenity to have powerful e bikes for rent again this is a little bit unclear I wish there was a little bit more clarity here on are they renting the bikes or do I go to a local shop to rent them just so I have more clarity um again just trying to answer all the questions a guest might have um yes this is a bit better photo of the hot tub I still think could be better that’s this is a cool shot and then I think we’re pretty well through
(12:49) the photos now yeah that’s the gist of them whoa okay so here are some other ones like this one and this one um or at least one of them I definitely would have wanted to see further up so you can see just how secluded it is in the mountains kind of off on its own I think that would be a really really big selling feature at least for me knowing there’s no neighbors nearby knowing that I’m really secluded knowing that I can probably just kind of walk around and go hiking uh just like probably very very
(13:15) close byy that’s a super big selling feature for me so I would have wanted to see that highlighted further up but again being relatively nitpicky here overall I would give these these photos a nine out of 10 overall definitely super super well done um and you can see that even though they can only accommodate eight people which is not a small amount of people but it’s also not some massive huge place they’re still commanding at least $556 a night which is really good you can see they’re getting consistently booked yeah I mean
(13:41) definitely doing a really good job here uh now let’s look at the description so yeah I would say that the description is definitely kind of good not great I would give this description probably a 5 out of 10 because again most of this stuff is just a big wall of text that I’m not going to read through it’s really hard for me to now actually find the answers to the questions I have about the property because it’s all just kind of intertwined in here into a big huge mess of text and then any rules
(14:11) regulations anything you want to enforce that kind of stuff again I say this all the time don’t put it in your listing description it doesn’t belong there it doesn’t allow you to enforce it because you have it there um it’s just it there’s no benefit to having it here all it does is it scares off potential guests when I see like a $200 cleaning fee a $400 charge this and that and the other thing it makes me worry that this is a kind of sketchy host that’s going to try to charge me for stuff it makes
(14:37) you worry like I’m going to get going to get kind of just like build for a bunch of stuff $90 of being Cur additional cleaning the sole discreat to the host I mean that’s just kind of that’s outrageous like that’s obviously just not going to fly and again having it here in the listing description doesn’t help you at all it does not make it enforcable if you want to try to enforce something you need to have it in the listing uh like booking rules in your your house rules for the property the
(15:02) ones that guests actually agree to when they book the property otherwise you’re not going to be able to enforce that um so again I just don’t like having it there and again having something ridiculous like at the sole discretion of the host we can charge you an extra $90 for cleaning that’s just ridiculous and that’s just going to scare people off and they’ve got cool like accessibility features that are highlighted they’ve got 74 different amenities so that tells me that they’ve
(15:24) actually gone and done a lot of this stuff to check off all the boxes they possibly can um and they’ve also just added a lot of really high demand amenities like the hot tub the barbecue the EV charger the board games all these different things right there’s lots of stuff that they’ve done to make it really try to cater to a bunch of guests so that’s really helpful as well um they’ve even gone here and gotten this great for remote work they’ve actually tested the Wi-Fi speed they’ve got a
(15:48) dedicated workspace all this stuff right so that’s super super helpful as well so overall I think these people are doing a really really good job this host is doing a fantastic job there are obviously a few uh pieces I was a bit critical on that I think would could be improved but overall this listing is super super well done and it’s paying off right that’s why this is such a top performing listing um and it doesn’t have the the huge size to lean on yes it’s a unique property yes it’s in a
(16:15) really beautiful location but you could just as easily find a property like this one that is not doing nearly as well you can probably find one that’s doing half as well because the host just isn’t actually nailing on some of the things that vital uh here is so hopefully there’s some really really good takeaways I know I’m learning a lot from these videos I hope you are too I hope you get some good takeaways that you can apply to your listing if you do let me know in the comment section down below
(16:40) um or if you just like this video found it valuable found it helpful make sure you hit the like button down below here really does help me to show that like these are the types of videos you want to see um and it also helps me with growing this Channel and getting these videos in front of more people so I really do appreciate anyone that takes half a second there and hits the like button and also if you’re new here and you haven’t yet subscribed to the Channel Make sure you do so as well well the button should be right down below
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(17:24) this one and I’ll see you in the next [Music] one [Music] I

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